The Bermuda Run Blue Heron Trail Project will Re-Bid on November 9, 2021 at 10 am in the Bermuda Run Town Hall.
The Project involves 5,500 of of 10’ wide asphalt walking path, a pedestrian bridge, pedestrian culvert refurbishment and miscellaneous stormwater work.
This is a NCDOT funded “buy American” project. Bidders must be NCDOT prequalified for this type of contract.
A pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Monday October 25, 2021 at 10 am in the Bermuda Run Town Hall.
The last Day for questions will be Wednesday November 3, 2021.
The Project is expected to start construction on January 4, 2022 and be substantially complete by April 15, 2023. With full vegetation establishment 6 months thereafter.
Project documents, including CAD files may be accessed from the following link:
Contact John Grey, PE with questions at (336) 978-3222 or